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PACT has been supporting and empowering Toronto communities for over 25 years.

PACT updates acronym to "Peace, Actualization, Community, and Transformation" to reflect a broader, more inclusive framework (2021)
PACT pivots to offer virtual PACTMusic and PACTFashion youth workshops online due to covid-19 (2021)
GTL responds to the covid-19 pandemic with the Emergency Fresh Food Box program, distributing fresh produce to community members in need (2020)
LPC program adapted and introduced into the school environment at an earlier intervention and prevention point (2019)
PACTCooking adapts curriculum for younger students to deliver cooking workshops at Earl Beatty Public School (2019)
PACT co-founder, David Lockett, bestowed Lifetime Achievement Legacy Award by Volunteer Toronto (2019)
GTL works with RJ Lang Middle School to provide series of on-site environmental workshops (2018)
PACTMusic introduces advanced songwriting/recording as well as specialized digital beats music production worskhops (2018)
GTL converts Elmbank Junior Middle Academy school garden into first-ever urban orchard on TDSB property (2018)
GTL develops and introduces youth summer camp at John Polanyi garden including field to table culinary workshops (2017)
PACT converts trailer into walk-in cooler and introduces Community Compost Exchange weekly markets and community dinners cooked in our outdoor kitchen (2017)
PACTMusic and PACTFilm collaborate to produce music video for original song "Thoughts" (2016) - see music video
PACT moves to Artscape Yongeplace (Shaw St.), sharing office, meeting, and programming space with Sketch Working Arts (2016)
GTL introduces Community Compost Exchange (CCE) Program, providing a dignified way for community members to access fresh food (2015)
Jean Augustine Centre for Young Women's Empowerment opens in partnerships with PACT (2014) - see article
LPC program wins ICF Prism Award for its unique and strategic use of coaching model to support youth (2013)
PACT and Adler establish coach training bursary honouring the work, life, and memory of LPC coach Craig Trowhill, RIP (2011)
PACT partners with The John Howard Society, expanding our LifePlan Coaching Program to the Belleville Youth Court (2011)
PACTFilm goes to Tauranga, New Zealand to hep establish a film project for youth (2010)
PACT Grow-to-Learn (GTL) urban farming program partners with the Toronto District School Board with gardens across six schools (2009)

After initially introducing PACTFarm in 2008 as a single garden plot and community service option for youth in Scarborough, PACT followed the lead of Rotarian and TDSB school trustee John Hastings by formally establishing the Grow to Learn program that would partner with and establish gardens at a number of schools across Toronto. Trustee Hastings had worked with many under-resourced schools and saw first-hand the negative impact on students from funding cutbacks that eliminated so many experiential skills-based programs, co-op, and extracurricular opportunities in the schools he served. PACT saw our schoolyard gardens and curriculum-linked workshops as a great way to reconnect students to nature, provide outdoor hands-on learning environments and volunteer opportunities that enhance education, while at the same time beautifying unused areas of school property and addressing food insecurity in local communities. As a result, over the next few years, PACT went on to establish gardens across six TDSB schools all located in under-served neighborhoods.


See article.

PACT delivers Restorative Practices conflict resolution training to staff across TCDSB (2009)
PACT rebrands from "Youth Crime Reduction Program" to "Urban Peace Program" to reflect broader mandate of prevention and support of other populations (2009)
PACT works with several schools to provide film and cooking workshops and Restorative Practices conflict resolution circles (2007)
PACT partners with the YMCA providing a home for many life and job skills projects and the LifePlan Coaching program (2007)
LifePlan Coaching launches in the Youth Courts - Scarborough, Metro West, and 311 Jarvis (2006), Newmarket and Brampton (2008)

As PACT continued to work closely with the youth justice system across Toronto, the charity was once again invited by now-Justice Richard Blouin, to develop a new program that would specifically support and respond to the needs of the disproportionately small group of young people who were responsible for the majority of charges before the youth court at any given time. Based on this request, PACT developed and introduced an innovative one-on-one intervention called the LifePlan Coaching Program, specifically designed to both break the cycle of criminal behavior in youth who were already caught up in the justice system, as well as prevent this cycle of antisocial and disruptive behavior in students struggling within the middle and high school environment.

Introduction of LifeSkills Community Service Projects (2005)

It soon became apparent that there were not enough opportunities for youth to perform meaningful community service hours that were part of many resolution agreements. This was the initial impetus for PACT to develop and introduce a range of hands-on life and job skills projects for youth starting with PACTCooking and PACTFilm in 2005. Many of these projects, delivered by real-world professionals in safe, nurturing, and accessible spaces, provide valuable experience, build leadership, allow youth to express themselves, as well as give back to the community in productive and meaningful ways.

Restorative Justice Begins in the Youth Courts – Scarborough  (2001), Metro West (2003), 311 Jarvis (2004), and Newmarket (2005) 

Originally modelled after an innovative program from Sparwood, B.C., developed by an RCMP Officer named Jake Bouwman and a defense lawyer named Glen Purdy, which was based on the Aboriginal Healing Circle process, along with the full support of the Assistant Crown Attorney at the Scarborough Youth Court (Richard Blouin), PACT launched its first offering, a Restorative Justice (RJ) court diversion program in 2001. 


The program was designed as a meaningful and cost-effective diversion option for the Court that allowed mostly first-time offender youth to have their cases resolved outside of the traditional justice setting in a community-based restorative process called a Resolution Conference. This conferencing circle allowed all those involved in the incident to get clarity around what happened, the charged youth to hear from and apologize to their victims, and most importantly for them to take responsibility for their actions. The ultimate goal was coming up with an acceptable “resolution agreement” that worked towards healing the harm that had been caused and doing the best to restore things back to how they were before the incident occurred.


With these Restorative Justice conferences running in partnership with the Scarborough youth court, helping hundreds of young people in conflict with the law deal with their charges within the community, PACT went on to expand the program across the GTA and into the Metro West (2003), 311 Jarvis (2004), Newmarket, and Brampton youth courts over the next few years.

CFPFV established and PACT is born (1995)

Then in 1995, based on their experience with the Redwood Shelter and the realization that the only truly effective way to combat violence is to address its root causes, David and Dan decided to raise money and awareness to create programs that eliminate violence and create massive social change. The resulting charity was called The Canadian Foundation for The Prevention of Family Violence. Its mandate – to leverage the entire community to fund programs that reduce violence in our homes and our communities. The PACT Urban Peace Program is the flagship program of the Foundation.

Redwood Shelter/Rotary background (1987-1993)

In 1987, David Lockett and Dan Cornacchia became charter members of the Rotary Club of Parkdale with a vision to build a shelter for domestic violence. In 1993, with the help of Rotary and the local community, The Redwood Shelter opened its doors to help victims of family violence. David was the founding President of the Redwood Shelter and Dan was the Treasurer.


The Redwood continues to offer safety, healing, and opportunities for growth for women and their children fleeing abuse. Families receive case management and counseling services from professional counselors, access to empowering and life-changing programs, and transitional support when they are ready to take the next steps toward a new life.

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